Fortress 1 April 2015


My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust…under his wings you will find refuge;his faithfulness is a shield and buckler…For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways…I will be with them in trouble, I will rescue them and honor them. Psalm 91

There are so many times when we need this fortress, the strength of a God who loves us and believes in us. Sometimes, we are bowed down by family or co-workers who seem to enjoy the deep wounding of others. It comes in many forms: rejection, a terrible secrecy, out right abuse, apathy, non-response, or this little sarcastic barbs that reach inside and tear us apart.

In my writing, my main characters reflect some of this mean suffering. IMG_2867Yet they find a strength in themselves, that I believe, comes from an inner knowledge of the fact that they are children of God and that they are loved beyond this planet and, that love gives them the courage to go on, even in the face of terrible abuses. My early reviewers of Worthy of Love agree,

“Heart tugging story of pain, hate, loss overcome by love of people we choose as family. Resonated with me and I’m sure will with others who’ve been deeply hurt by biological family. Found myself praying the main character, Jess, would realize she is worthy of love. This story can help us all to know we are too.”

About Sally Gerard

I am a writer, runner, teacher, singer, guitar player, mom, lover, coffee drinker, hunter, antique tractor driver, horsewoman, sister, and lover of the outdoors. Did I mention that I love lighthouses?
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